The search for the Fountain of Youth has never ceased, it’s just changed direction. It was once thought to be…
Woody Allen once said, “You can live to 100, if you give up all things that make you want to…
When a Harvard scientist speaks it’s wise to listen, especially when the subject is about something we are all interested…
The Mediterranean diet is not a new fad diet, it’s a way of eating that has been around for centuries.…
Most of us don’t remember life without cell phones, but Bernando LaPallo could tell you how life was before most…
What if I told you that drinking coffee and red wine could increase your longevity? Yes, you read that right.…
Forget about written tests, health quizzes, and family history – just find a set of stairs to take this simple…
What’s more important to you, how many years you have left, or how well you live them? To most of us,…
What would you do with 100 years of life? The Okinawans can give you ideas on how to spend those…
Improving our healthspan, the part of our total lifespan when we are looking and feeling and bodies are working at…