The search for the Fountain of Youth has never ceased, it’s just changed direction. It was once thought to be a literal fountain flowing with miracle water that would grant the drinker health, beauty and longevity.
We now know different. Some of how we age and how long we live is determined by genetics, but we can develop habits that can increase our longevity.
If you are still searching for the Fountain of Youth, look no further.
Here are 13 habits linked to a long life that are tried and true, plus they are all easy to incorporate into our daily lives.
13 Habits Linked To A Long Life
1. Don’t Over Eat
There are 5 regions in the world where people with the longest life expectancy live. One of those regions is Okinawa, Japan, and it’s the custom of the Okinawa people to eat only until they are 80% full.
The reduced amount of food reduces the risk of gaining weight, especially in the stomach area. Belly fat is associated with unhealthy cortisol levels in the body and a shorter life span.
Reducing food consumption by a mere 10% is linked to a longer life in animals and humans. Eating less also reduces the risk of several chronic diseases, like heart disease and diabetes.
However, severely restricting calories is not recommended and will not increase longevity.
Eat until you’re almost full, then stop. A very simple habit to develop.
Intermittent fasting has also been shown to improve healthspan and longevity.
2. Snack on Nuts
Nuts are an ideal snack option. Healthy, affordable, portable and available, nuts are rich in protein, fiber, antioxidants, and beneficial plant compounds. They’re also a great source of several vitamins and minerals, such as copper, magnesium, potassium, folate, niacin, and vitamins B6 and E.
Nuts that contain heart-healthy fats, like cashews and walnuts, reduce the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, inflammation and diabetes.
Studies have shown that nuts can also reduce cancer risk. Add a handful of nuts to your lunch salad or keep some in hand to eat as a heart-healthy afternoon snack.
3. Supplement Your Diet
Alpha-Ketoglutarate (AKG) has been researched in over 1200 published, peer-reviewed studies.
Recent sponsored studies at the Buck Institute for Research on Aging and the National University of Singapore have revealed a specialized form of AKG, Calcium Alpha-Ketoglutarate (Ca-AKG), was able to significantly increase both lifespan and healthspan in mammals.
Rejuvant LifeTabs with LifeAKG has been shown to:
- Remove toxic ammonia from the body
- Combat senescence (zombie) cells
- Reduce age-related inflammation
- Promote cellular energy to restore vitality
You can learn more about the discovery and the proprietary sustained release formula at
4. Eat Plant Produce
If it grows on a plant, it’s probably good for you to eat and will increase your lifespan. Eating a wide variety of plant-based foods, like fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and beans, has been shown to reduce the risk of many chronic diseases and promote longevity.
The Mediterranean diet plan has been proven to increase longevity and is a plant-based way of eating. It’s not a traditional diet, but a healthy way of eating that focuses on eating fruits, vegetables and other types of plant produce.
Heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, depression, diabetes and other chronic diseases are significantly lower in people who develop the habit of sticking to a plant-based diet.
Foods grown on plants are typically loaded with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants which promote health and an increased life span.
5. Physical Activity
Regular physical activity improves heart health and reduces the risk of stroke, diabetes, obesity, arthritis and many other age-related diseases. Studies have shown that just 15 minutes a day of physical activity can add 3 years to your life.
Getting your heart rate up also causes the brain to release endorphins which give you an overall feeling of well-being and happiness. Feel good, look good and live longer by developing the habit of exercising daily.
6. Don’t Smoke
If you smoke, quit. If you don’t smoke, don’t start. Smoking is linked to many diseases that shorten life expectancy. A smoker on average cuts 10 years off their life expectancy.
It’s never too late to quit smoking. Add years to your life, improve quality of life and save money by kicking this habit.
7. Limit Alcohol
Overindulgence in alcoholic beverages will impair judgment and damage your liver. But that’s not all too much alcohol can do – it also damages the pancreas and frequently contributes to an early death.
On the flip side of that, limiting alcohol consumption and drinking in moderation can increase your lifespan.
Red wine is high in antioxidants and a small glass each day can promote longer life. It will provide a boost to the immune system, reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes and stroke, lower cholesterol and increase bone density.
For those who don’t drink alcohol, you don’t need to start. A small glass of grape juice provides the same health benefits as red wine.
8. Be Happy
Happy people live longer. Find something each day that makes you happy and focus on that.
Being happy not only boosts that mood right now but also promotes a positive outlook for the future.
Finding something to be happy about wards off depression, reduces stress, lowers blood pressure and increases life span.
9. Reduce Stress
Stress is a silent killer and a precursor to many chronic diseases and will significantly shorten your lifespan.
A recent study revealed that women who suffer from stress are up to two times more likely to die from heart disease, stroke, or lung cancer than women who are not stressed.
The risk of premature death is up to three times higher for men under chronic stress compared to men who are not stressed.
Everyone has a certain amount of stress in their life, it’s how we deal with it that will determine if we increase or decrease our life span.
Find ways to reduce stress in your life. Exercising and nature bathing are two ways to reduce stress.
Reducing stress may also require some drastic life changes, like a career change ceasing to associate with toxic people.
10. Maintain Friendships
Having a friend to talk to and be by your side can increase the number of years you live.
A friend will help you react less negatively to stress or bad news, and promote positive changes in heart, brain, hormonal, and immune function.
All of this positivity decreases your risk of developing chronic diseases and increases longevity.
It only takes a couple of good friends to help you live longer, so strive to maintain healthy friendships.
11. Be Self Disciplined
A self-disciplined person takes care of the affairs in their life with diligence. They are organized, efficient, goal-oriented and conscientious in everything they do.
A self-disciplined person knows what they need to do and does it without being told. They are cautious and don’t take unnecessary risks.
They take responsibility for their own health and well being and take small steps each day to improve themselves and those they care about.
All this organization leads to less stress in the life of a self-disciplined person. Better personal health care also increases lifespan and quality of life.
12. Have a Cup of Coffee and Tea
Drinking 2-3 cups of coffee each day has been linked to a lower risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, certain cancers and brain ailments, such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.
Stick with decaffeinated coffee or limit yourself to one cup of regular coffee each day. The caffeine in coffee can cause sleep loss and anxiety, both of which are not good for health and longevity.
Tea has also been shown to increase longevity due to the polyphenols and catechins in contains. Green or black tea may decrease the risk of cancer, diabetes, and heart disease when consumed in moderation.
13. Get Your ZZ’s
Sleep is crucial for good health. The body repairs itself while we are asleep and if there isn’t enough sleep, the body can’t fully repair itself.
A set sleep pattern works best for the body and you should have a certain time to go to bed and get up, even on the days when you don’t work or go to school.
People need between 7-8 hours of sleep every night. The sleep time varies from person to person, with less than 5 hours each night being linked to an increased risk of early death, and sleeping more than 9 hours each night decreasing your lifespan significantly.
Too little sleep causes inflammation in the body and increases the risk of heart disease, diabetes and obesity. Too much sleep leads to reduced physical activity and depression.
Develop a habit of sleeping 7-8 hours each night to increase your longevity.
13 Habits To A Long Life Infographic