Greek coffee is a very strongly brewed coffee that is found everywhere in Greece and is part of the culture of the country. 

The coffee is finely ground and requires a special pot, called a briki, for brewing.

A briki is a tall, narrow pot and the coffee is served with grounds in a small demitasse cup. 

The strong, smooth coffee is meant to be sipped slowly so the grounds can settle into the bottom of the cup.

There are several different ways to enjoy a cup of Greek coffee; unsweetened, semi-sweet, sweet, and very sweet.

All types will be strong, thick, have grounds in the bottom and foam on top, and drinking it can increase your longevity.

Long Living Greeks

The Greek island of Ikaria has been dubbed ‘The Island Where People Forget To Die’. 

It’s also the place where people avoid getting sick.

People routinely live to be 100 on this small island and live a healthy, happy, productive life until they die.

One thing the island dwellers have in common is their daily consumption of Greek coffee.

recent study conducted on 71 men and 71 women over the age of 65 who were life-long residents of the Ikaria discovered that many of them had common health conditions, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, and some were even active smokers. Yet, they were healthy.

The secret to their longevity was the Greek coffee, which promotes a better endothelial function, even in people with less than healthy lifestyles.

Endothelial is the thin membrane that lines the inside of the heart and blood vessels.

This lining releases substances that control blood clotting, immune function, and the relaxation and contraction of blood vessels.

Low in Caffeine, High in Antioxidants

Since Greek coffee is a fine grind of coffee and is prepared by boiling, it contains less caffeine than most other blends that are popular in other countries. 

This type of coffee is also much higher in antioxidants, like cafestol and kahweol, that have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

These antioxidants improve the health of the endothelial and fend off free radicals in the body that speed up the aging process.

The naturally reduced amount of caffeine in Greek coffee also promotes heart health and doesn’t cause the constriction of blood vessels like caffeinated coffee.

Improves Heart Health

Greek coffee is superior to the average cup of coffee because of its concentration and preparation, both of which deliver more heart-protecting compounds in each cup.

Rich in chlorogenic acid, polyphenols, lipid-soluble substances, and other heart-healthy compounds, a daily cup of Greek coffee improves heart health and thereby increases longevity.

Reduces Diabetes Risk

Greek coffee reduces the risk of diabetes, especially type II diabetes, because it increases the levels of a hormone in the blood known as SHGB.

This hormone is responsible for keeping testosterone and estrogen levels at normal rates.

The coffee is also rich in polyphenols that are antioxidants that work in the body to reduce inflammation and prevent inflammatory diseases, such as type II diabetes. 

The blend of potent antioxidants in Greek coffee helps to improve insulin sensitivity, which can help to prevent diabetes and help people with the disease manage it more successfully.

Speeds Up Metabolism

Being overweight can lead to a variety of chronic health conditions and premature death, so it’s vital to longevity to manage weight.

Drinking Greek coffee speeds up metabolism and helps prevent weight gain and promotes weight loss.

The coffee has to be consumed without sugar or other sweeteners for it to be effective as a weight management tool.

Caffeine is found in almost every weight loss supplement, and for a good reason, it speeds up metabolism.

Greek coffee contains minimal caffeine, but it’s still enough to help your body burn calories faster.

Promotes Activity

The long-living residents of the small Greek island of Ikaria are active every day and at every age.

This active lifestyle promotes longevity and the coffee they drink helps keep them energetic and active.

Not only is physical activity promoted by a strong cup of Greek coffee, but also brain activity.

Memory, mood, vigilance, reaction times, focus, and comprehension are improved after drinking a cup of Greek coffee.

Staying active physically and mentally will add years to your life and life to your years.

Contains Nutrition

People are aware of the caffeine content of most coffee types, but few are aware of the nutritional content of coffee, including Greek coffee.

Enjoying a cup of coffee a few times every day improves your health and increases lifespan by providing your body with needed nutrients.

A cup of Greek coffee contains vitamins B2, B3, B5, magnesium, manganese, niacin, and potassium, all of which work to keep the body healthy.

How To Make Greek Coffee (without milk)

How To Make Greek Coffee (with milk)



Medical Daily



Francis Rogers Palmer III, M.D.

A world-renowned expert on aesthetics and facial shaping, Francis Rogers Palmer III, MD is a board-certified facial plastic surgeon with over 27 years of experience and author. He is an inventor of multiple medical products and devices. Dr. Palmer is an honors graduate of San Diego State University, and received his MD from the University of California – Irvine. He completed fellowships with the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, and the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery.Dr. Palmer has appeared on ABC’s The View, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC and Fox News, Dr. Phil, and Entertainment Tonight. He also has been featured in Allure, Fit, USA Today, Cosmopolitan, US Weekly, People, In Touch, The New York and Los Angeles Times. British magazine Tatler named him “one of the world’s best plastic surgeons.” He is the author of The Palmer Code, What’s Your Number? ®.

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